Love Abroad

Love Abroad

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Last week was a horrendous week. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. As I told you, my TV wasn't working, I got caught in the rain more than once, and then to put the cherry on top of it all, my computer died. As Chris from Parks and Rec would say, it LITERALLY died. Not only did it just die, it died right before my two last classes and my 2 1/2 hour drive home to Cleveland. I was in a panic, I never really realized how much of my life is on my computer. I decided to skip my last class of the day to visit the Apple store and get this problem resolved. Even though my AppleCare had expired, they still agreed to fix my problem for free. The woman who helped me told me that my logic board had failed. As quoted by my boyfriend "That makes perfect sense," but to me I had no idea what that was. All I knew was that it made my computer work, when it wasn't failing.
Seriously this thing cost's $500?

The next part is a huge long story that involves me crying, and not being sure I would make it home for the High Holidays. So I will save you some details and just tell you the basic outline. I had to take it to a data recovery place. They also fixed Apple products, which helped me in the end. They would have needed to keep my computer over night to get all the data off of it, but I was leaving for home in about 2 hours. There was no way I could leave it over night and wait till Saturday to take it back to Apple. So as I said, long story short. They called Apple, got the AppleCare number from them, ordered the part, fixed my computer, and no data was lost! All and all I am happy, and more happy that I didn't have to go to class without it or pay for it.

For a happy ending, I was able to make it home for Rosh Hashanah. My mom had made home made matzah ball soup, brisket and her awesome apple cake, just for me. Now you can understand why I would have been so devastated to not be able to make it home.

I must thank Apple. Most of the time they don't really help people out, from what I have heard. If they hadn't done it for free, it would have costed me $500-ish. That was not something I could afford. Who knew a logic board would cost so much?

Also a huge thank you to Elan Technologies. They were willing to work with a crying girl and made my computer work again. Really I can't even thank them enough. Maybe some brownies will do the trick?

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